BGonline.org Forums
7% of American social gamers cheat online
Posted By: Rod In Response To: Cheating rates (Stick)
Date: Thursday, 5 December 2013, at 9:33 a.m.
And that's for... ZILCH. I'd guess that a high ELO is more valuable to the average backgammon player than whatever metric people are measured by in their online social games in the study. And, remember, this is the rate people admitted to.... Often cheating rates are even higher.
And need I remind you that many of the best players in the world "know with near certainty" that at least 3% of the Giants of Backgammon cheat online (and many of the other better players feel that at least 3% of the Giants of Backgammon "probably" cheat online but "don't really care - 'so what'"). Sorry - it's the truth. (If nothing else, I tell it like it is. Personally, I simply don't give a shit - I don't play online for $ and I don't trust anyone online further than I can throw them, which is ZERO since they're where they are and I'm where I am.)
Right there that's more than 2%, though. And I bet it's quite a bit higher. ("Oh... I know I could figure out the take point on my own, so why go through the trouble... since I can do it on my own, it's not like I'm cheating... It's just to save time..." or some other crap that I'm sure has happened on occassion).
And that's among the Giants.
What % of the rest of the folks? What % when there's something of substantial value to them? (Don't fool yourself that Master Points will be valuable enough to some to cheat for).
Maybe people only check plays after they make them while their opponents are thinking about their play. Oops! Did they just see they missed a cube? Oops! Is that a position that will recur the next roll and the one after that? That's not **really** cheating, is it? It is? Oh... Oops! Sorry. Oops........... And people will justify that crap as not cheating.
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