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A Vegas ruling situation

Posted By: Coolrey
Date: Thursday, 1 May 2014, at 4:42 p.m.

I entered the Super Jackpot in the second round and concentrated on side events the first day. Malcolm, who eventually won the SJP did the same.

I lost immediately when I played Gary Bauer, who typically showed up at the table and began extricating his tripod and video camera out of his back pack.

I had declined having Gary record a last chance match the last time we met as I know many people have complained about not getting match files from Gary. Malcolm Davis is on the other side of this spectrum, sending matches within a few days in all cases. There are other shades in between, but I have a pet peeve about not getting a match file when I allow someone to record a match.

Lets face it, match recording is mildly invasive, and can even get in the way of other players in the first round when the tables are crowded. I am not superstitious or nervous, but I haven't done well in recorded matches historically. Anyway I didn't want to allow Gary to record when I had reasonable doubt that I would receive a courtesy match file.

Gary offered to send me a video file, and I refused. Then he asked me if I would pay for his time to enter the match, which I also refused citing that I was not charging him for lessons, lol.

I called Howard to intervene, and Gary said he would send me a file. Whereupon I told Howard that the negotiations had reached this stage before, and Gary had promised to send files to get his way and there are many people still waiting for those match files. Norm Wiggins is one of them, for instance.

Howard asked Gary for a specific personal guarantee that Gary would send me a match file, and Gary chose to put his camera up instead.

I won't attend the Memorial Day event because I was forced to allow my semi-final match to be recorded there a couple of years ago by a guy who had previously failed to produce match files he recorded. This was despite an ABT wide letter to directors notifying them of he possibility of this situation arising at a tournament months before hand.

Not much has been done about that, but more tournaments are recording friendly these days. Some of these people record all of their matches, like Malcolm, but some are not as reliable as Malcolm.

I think Howard Markowitz handled this situation well, but see the possibility for future situations along these lines. Many players get nervous about being recorded, but they seem to have no rights.

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