BGonline.org Forums
Side Pools--New Ideas
Posted By: Matt Reklaitis In Response To: Side Pools--New Ideas (phil simborg)
Date: Tuesday, 28 January 2014, at 8:44 p.m.
As a data point, I can tell you why I don't typically enter the side pool: It doesn't matter to me if it's a smart bet or not, I'm just not that into making bets. That may sound silly given that I absolutely love playing in the chou, but the gambling part - which of course is both a necessary and enjoyable ingredient - is still secondary to the social aspect. Being entered in the main is good enough for me, and entering a side pool on top of it just seems boring.
As another example, when there's a calcutta, I will often buyback, even when the cost of the buyback is similar to the cost of sidepool. So for the same cost, even though I'm only getting a percentage of myself with a buyback compared to all of myself in the sidepool, it's more interesting to me to be part of a group.
So is it possible the interest in sidepools is going down because for those whose main interest in coming to a bg event is gambling... well, aren't they off grinding it out playing poker?
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