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Posted By: neilkaz In Response To: Technicality (Sean Garber)
Date: Monday, 23 February 2015, at 7:29 p.m.
Who honestly gives a fuck that Mochy played a 13 PR in a very unusual game where both players had only a few seconds left on their clocks? Personally, I'd think nothing less of Mochy's game if he'd played a 13 for the entire match having that game at DMP with almost no clock time.
Lets consider a few things.
1) Mochy was not playing in the D-D so his PR doesn't matter. All that matters is winning the match.
2) Mochy's opp had about 11 seconds on the clock at the start of the game, and apparently was rather new high level face to face play. (Much online experience). Therefore, Mochy decided to complicate the game and ended up in a huge backgame and then playing a snake. Two things went wrong as not only did Mochy's opp not time out, Mochy also lost the game. Does this make Mochy any less of a great player? Of course NOT.
3) Regardless of level of RO strength, bots really don't understand enough about snakes for PR reported to really mean anything reliable! Had I played that game whether under extreme time pressure or not, I'd not care what a bot said my PR was! Neither should you, nor neither should anyone care what Mochy's PR was for that game.
Mochy remains one of our game's greatest players and the fact that he tried something that didn't work out and made a couple of mistakes along the way doesn't detract from his greatness.
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