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Did Ed complain too late?!

Posted By: Martin
Date: Tuesday, 29 March 2016, at 1:06 p.m.

In Response To: Nordic Open Ruling in Quarterfinals -- O'Laughlin vs. Mitrelis (Bill Riles)

I am surprised that nobody has mentioned some of the facts that can be seen in the video:

After Mitrelis "corrected" the illegal play, Ed sat up again after picking up his cup. Then Mitrelis rolls, but the dice are cocked. Then Ed points to his 11 point and loudly says "six". Then again, he points to his 11 point and repeats "six". So obviously he realised that the position was not identical to the one after he made his move. Only after that Mitrelis rolls again and produces a valid roll.

Is it too much to ask from Ed to speak up right away when he notices something is wrong while his opp has not produced a valid roll yet or is Ed allowed to wait until Mitrelis has rolled and then complain?

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