BGonline.org Forums
Idea for a PR10 Club - Grades
Posted By: Fatboy In Response To: Idea for a PR10 Club - Grades (Rick Janowski)
Date: Saturday, 4 October 2014, at 6:00 p.m.
i think for the weaker players-myself included thats a good idea.
for the guys below 5 let them fight it out among themselves. They all know each other and can come up with what ever they like, they are the minority. They are are all very smart and will sort it out, I'm sure of that.
for the majority of players your scale seems reasonable to me. and it fits how i play and how a top player said i played, coincidence? nah its a good scale IMO up to maybe 5 or 6(or down to 5 or 6) then as i said they them sort it out. If I ever get there i'll go to war with them, for now i'll use what you suggested, thats kinda how i had it in my mind.
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